The Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor admits cheating on former girlfriend, said he is grown now. When the actress Deepika Padukone says that a former girlfriend had been unfaithful, making fun of Ranbir Kapoor world. But the actress was silent on the subject. Now, 29 years broke the silence and admitted that he had actually cheated in a relationship in the past. "Yes, I, the immaturity, inexperience, in addition to taking advantage of certain temptations of insensitivity, said," Ranbir said in an interview in the October edition of the Stardust Shiny Entertainment.

"You see, when they grow up and appreciate it more - why not in the report, which commit to someone when you can not be committed now this I noticed that I do not want to jump into a relationship with anyone because if you do not have ... a special connection, special. equations with someone, someone who has committed, someone you trust, you respect, should not, "he says.

Ranbir and Deepika had been dating for two years before they broke up in November 2009. At that time it was rumored that actor Ranbir had betrayed his actress Katrina Kaif Rajneeti only, which led to their split.Rumours and the past aside, Ranbir believes that infidelity can destroy a relationship. "The infidelity is a deal breaker ... When it comes to respect is lost, the confidence goes away, and these are the pillars of the relationship you can not mess with it."

Apart from Deepika, Ranbir has also been linked with Nargis Fakhri and Angela Jonsson and two were bikini models. Therefore, it is your type? "No man, every time I met them, they were in bikinis. No luck. I think a woman looks better in a sari." Co-star on Rockstar Fakhri, added: "I am very fond of Nargis I mean you could say it's the best actor I've worked with in my films and I respect that. This is a big girl and very close to my mother. She is a friend. "

Ranbir’s confessions:
On cheating
Yes, I have (cheated), out of immaturity, out of inexperience, out of taking advantage of certain temptations, out of callousness ...
On Nargis
She’s a buddy, I can say  anything to her, I can hit her, wrestle with her, take her out on a date, but I truly feel that she is way too good for me.
On the Khans
I hope my generation (of actors) takes it a notch above. Otherwise we’ll have the Khans ruling for another 20 years. It’s high time we step up.

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