A lot has been written with regards to what features we might possibly see make their debut in the upcoming Apple iPhone 5. There have been numerous guesses – some stemming from reports coming from alleged “inside sources,” while others - from the blogosphere's observations of how the manufacturer has been upgrading each subsequent iteration of the product.

The sad truth, however, is that currently no one, except for select Apple employees, has a real idea of what the iPhone 5 will be like. That's why we arrived at the conclusion that it'd be best to offer you a balanced mix of stuff, which is highly-probable to make rounds with the iPhone 5, while at the same time briefly venture out of that safe zone to offer you a taste of our own, personal wishes. Of course, there's no guarantee that any of these will happen, but... well, October 4 is right around the corner, so everything will be clear very soon either way.

Bigger screen

Well, it's not a secret that this is probably the number 1 most desired feature right now. Apple's App Store features some truly amazing content - from really robust and feature-packed productivity apps, to graphically-intensive 3D games, which, many would argue, that just cry to be viewed on a bigger screen. We agree.

When the very first iPhone was launched, there were no such games, and no such capable apps. Its 3.5” screen was among the biggest out there, and was perfectly fine. Nowadays, things stand a bit differently. We have all this amazing content, which could be better enjoyed on a screen that is somewhat larger than 3.5 inches. Android manufacturers have already found that out, and it seems most of their customers don't object having 4+” handsets. Now, knowing Apple, it will hardly opt to deliver such a great screen size difference, especially when this is still tightly related to overall device size. But, we wouldn't be surprised at all if Cupertino finally makes the jump to a 3.7” or... wait for it... 4.0” screen size! Of course, should they undertake this, we hope the iPhone's dimensions will not grow by much. How about getting rid of that bezel around the sides of the display? Thinking about it, with the iPhone 4's Retina Display, Apple set itself in a convenient position, which allows it to employ a bigger screen, without sacrificing too much image clarity.

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